Santa Monica High School or Samohi to ease you call it, is one of high school you can find in California, precisely inside Santa Monica. The school itself was built in the very beginning of 1884. Yes, the school is quite old. However, after the school is re-located for several times, the school is re-opened one more time in 1906. As the high school is re-opened, the location is also changed. Since 1906, the high school location has been at 90405 Santa Monica, California 601 Pico Blvd. Similar to the location which is that making several moves to another place, the building also appears in gradual improvement until becoming the building you find right now.

So then, what the special thing about this public school like Santa Monica High School? Similar like BHHS or Beverly Hills high school, even though not as many as BHSS, this school is also becoming the sweetheart of filming location, such as 17 Again, even though the name of the school is changed in the movie. The next movie, which uses this high school as filming location is Rebel Without a Cause. The high school is not only notable as filming set, but also from the successful alumnus who are showing their role in public for becoming notable society figures. The alumnus of Santa Monica High School who drag society’s attention, some of them are; Jay Adam as a professional skateboarder, Lee Arenberg as an actor, Austin Peck as an actor, Glenn Ford asan actor, Gail Russel as an actress, and Robert Wagner as an actor.

Another interesting thing about Santa Monica High School is the house system that is applied as part of the high school regulation. This system runs in 2003. The house system that you will discover in this Santa Monica High School is almost similar to what you will discover in the entire Colleges of United State. So then, what are the houses? You will discover five houses in this Santa Monica High School. The first one is “S” house that belongs to language building. The second one is “M” which has its place inside history building (first floor). The third one is “O” which is taking its place also in the historic building but in the second floor. The fourth one is “H” that has its place inside the English building. Then, the fifth one is “I” which you can find inside technology building.

Samohi is also known for students’ diversity. You can meet African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Asian and Caucasian. The rest things you need to know about this Santa Monica High School are the variety of sports which are offered and the music department. For the sports, the school covers tennis, water polo, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, cross country, baseball, football and many more. While for music department, the high school offers marching band and band, orchestral program, and vocal ensembles and choral. Both of the music department and sport contribute some notable things to the school. For example the orchestral program of Santa Monica High School, which did some performances around the world.

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