Minimalist interior design

is the principle that takes things to their bare essentials or identity by eliminating non essential features, concepts or forms. It is a movement rooted in the early 19th century influenced by simple spaces that were found in traditional Japanese design. This design became most popular in the late nineteen eighties in most part of the world especially in London and most places of New York. The common materials used in this type of design are steel and concrete for the interiors; glass and plastic leather are used for the furniture and fittings.

There are various characteristics of this type of interior design. One of the minimalist interior design characteristic is space. Modern minimalist designers use exterior walls of windows or glass in the spirit of creating sense of openness and also to take advantage of natural light. The open space created is further divided into smaller areas by use of low cabinets, bookcases or clusters of furniture. Alternatively, this space can be divided by use of a fabric that usually hung from the ceiling creating separate living spaces without use of walls.

Minimalist interior design

Another characteristic is furniture and floors. The furniture in minimalist interior design is done in neutral colors; fabric or leather. The fixtures are normally done using stainless steel and chrome while the furniture lines are curved and rounded. On the other hand, floors can be linoleum, natural stone, concrete or tiled. Designers lay emphasis on the natural lighting with art lamps, track lighting and accent lights being used to augment natural lighting.

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